Genius Zone Tutoring offers...
Personalized Academic Skills Support
Whether you choose small group or 1-to-1 tutoring, you will get to fill your academic skills gaps using activities you enjoy and spend time working on the skills you need to work on. Jump directly into tutoring for whatever skill you need.
Healing Art Classes
Our Contemplative Art classes offer you an opportunity to create something while unpacking the trauma of the Pandemic, freeing you to learn again the way you could before.
Career Counseling
Our Find Your Direction ProgramTM creates small, curated cohorts of students so that each group leaves the program with a professional network in addition to career path clarity and skills. This innovative program combines a combination of direct career counseling using Infinite Direction's original curriculum, psychology exploration techniques developed by Teresa Sedano Davis using Contemplative Art and one-to-one academic / professional skills tutoring.