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Find Your Direction
Bridge the gap between where the Pandemic left you and where you want to go
The Find Your Direction Program creates curated cohorts that make the journey together through live, online classes that clarify what you really want to do for a career, teach you how to apply that interest in a job search that delivers for you, and provides one-to-one tutoring to support you through required the coursework you need to be qualified for that search.

Join the Find Your Direction Program for just $3,000 and get:
20 hours of one-to-one tutoring in any subject you need
our signature program that helps you unpack your vision and purpose and define your goals
the Infinite Directions career counseling program that gives you
clarity on what you need out of a career
job search skills
career management materials
skills to keep your career moving in a positive direction
a professional network to support you throughout your career
A limited number of scholarships each worth $1400 are available to those who qualify.
Payment plans are available.
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